import colorsys import copy import cv2 import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from PIL import Image from torch import nn from nets.unet import Unet as unet from utils.utils import cvtColor, preprocess_input, resize_image class Unet(object): _defaults = { "model_path": None, "num_classes": 2, "backbone": "vgg", "input_shape": [1696, 864], "mix_type": 1, "cuda": True, } def __init__(self, _defaults,**kwargs): self._defaults = _defaults self.__dict__.update(self._defaults) for name, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, name, value) if self.num_classes <= 2: self.colors = [(0, 0, 0), (255,255,255)] else: hsv_tuples = [(x / self.num_classes, 1., 1.) for x in range(self.num_classes)] self.colors = list(map(lambda x: colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(*x), hsv_tuples)) self.colors = list(map(lambda x: (int(x[0] * 255), int(x[1] * 255), int(x[2] * 255)), self.colors)) self.generate() def generate(self, onnx=False): = unet(num_classes=self.num_classes, backbone=self.backbone) device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'), map_location=device)) = print('{} model, and classes loaded.'.format(self.model_path)) if not onnx: if self.cuda: = nn.DataParallel( = def detect_image(self, image, count=False, name_classes=None): image = cvtColor(image) old_img = copy.deepcopy(image) orininal_h = np.array(image).shape[0] orininal_w = np.array(image).shape[1] image_data, nw, nh = resize_image(image, (self.input_shape[1], self.input_shape[0])) image_data = np.expand_dims(np.transpose(preprocess_input(np.array(image_data, np.float32)), (2, 0, 1)), 0) with torch.no_grad(): images = torch.from_numpy(image_data) if self.cuda: images = images.cuda() pr =[0] pr = F.softmax(pr.permute(1, 2, 0), dim=-1).cpu().numpy() pr = pr[int((self.input_shape[0] - nh) // 2): int((self.input_shape[0] - nh) // 2 + nh), \ int((self.input_shape[1] - nw) // 2): int((self.input_shape[1] - nw) // 2 + nw)] pr = cv2.resize(pr, (orininal_w, orininal_h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) pr = pr.argmax(axis=-1) if count: classes_nums = np.zeros([self.num_classes]) total_points_num = orininal_h * orininal_w print('-' * 63) print("|%25s | %15s | %15s|" % ("Key", "Value", "Ratio")) print('-' * 63) for i in range(self.num_classes): num = np.sum(pr == i) ratio = num / total_points_num * 100 if num > 0: print("|%25s | %15s | %14.2f%%|" % (str(name_classes[i]), str(num), ratio)) print('-' * 63) classes_nums[i] = num print("classes_nums:", classes_nums) if self.mix_type == 0: # seg_img = np.zeros((np.shape(pr)[0], np.shape(pr)[1], 3)) # for c in range(self.num_classes): # seg_img[:, :, 0] += ((pr[:, :] == c ) * self.colors[c][0]).astype('uint8') # seg_img[:, :, 1] += ((pr[:, :] == c ) * self.colors[c][1]).astype('uint8') # seg_img[:, :, 2] += ((pr[:, :] == c ) * self.colors[c][2]).astype('uint8') seg_img = np.reshape(np.array(self.colors, np.uint8)[np.reshape(pr, [-1])], [orininal_h, orininal_w, -1]) # ------------------------------------------------# # 将新图片转换成Image的形式 # ------------------------------------------------# image = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(seg_img)) # ------------------------------------------------# # 将新图与原图及进行混合 # ------------------------------------------------# image = Image.blend(old_img, image, 0.7) elif self.mix_type == 1: # seg_img = np.zeros((np.shape(pr)[0], np.shape(pr)[1], 3)) # for c in range(self.num_classes): # seg_img[:, :, 0] += ((pr[:, :] == c ) * self.colors[c][0]).astype('uint8') # seg_img[:, :, 1] += ((pr[:, :] == c ) * self.colors[c][1]).astype('uint8') # seg_img[:, :, 2] += ((pr[:, :] == c ) * self.colors[c][2]).astype('uint8') seg_img = np.reshape(np.array(self.colors, np.uint8)[np.reshape(pr, [-1])], [orininal_h, orininal_w, -1]) # ------------------------------------------------# # 将新图片转换成Image的形式 # ------------------------------------------------# image = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(seg_img)) elif self.mix_type == 2: seg_img = (np.expand_dims(pr != 0, -1) * np.array(old_img, np.float32)).astype('uint8') # ------------------------------------------------# # 将新图片转换成Image的形式 # ------------------------------------------------# image = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(seg_img)) return image