pipeline { agent { label 'X86-64-MULTI' } options { buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '10', daysToKeepStr: '60')) parallelsAlwaysFailFast() } // Input to determine if this is a package check parameters { string(defaultValue: 'false', description: 'package check run', name: 'PACKAGE_CHECK') } // Configuration for the variables used for this specific repo environment { BUILDS_DISCORD=credentials('build_webhook_url') GITHUB_TOKEN=credentials('498b4638-2d02-4ce5-832d-8a57d01d97ab') GITLAB_TOKEN=credentials('b6f0f1dd-6952-4cf6-95d1-9c06380283f0') GITLAB_NAMESPACE=credentials('gitlab-namespace-id') DOCKERHUB_TOKEN=credentials('docker-hub-ci-pat') CONTAINER_NAME = 'code-server' BUILD_VERSION_ARG = 'CODE_RELEASE' LS_USER = 'linuxserver' LS_REPO = 'docker-code-server' DOCKERHUB_IMAGE = 'linuxserver/code-server' DEV_DOCKERHUB_IMAGE = 'lsiodev/code-server' PR_DOCKERHUB_IMAGE = 'lspipepr/code-server' DIST_IMAGE = 'ubuntu' MULTIARCH='true' CI='true' CI_WEB='true' CI_PORT='8443' CI_SSL='false' CI_DELAY='120' CI_DOCKERENV='TZ=US/Pacific' CI_AUTH='user:password' CI_WEBPATH='' } stages { // Setup all the basic environment variables needed for the build stage("Set ENV Variables base"){ steps{ sh '''#! /bin/bash containers=$(docker ps -aq) if [[ -n "${containers}" ]]; then docker stop ${containers} fi docker system prune -af --volumes || : ''' script{ env.EXIT_STATUS = '' env.LS_RELEASE = sh( script: '''docker run --rm quay.io/skopeo/stable:v1 inspect docker://ghcr.io/${LS_USER}/${CONTAINER_NAME}:latest 2>/dev/null | jq -r '.Labels.build_version' | awk '{print $3}' | grep '\\-ls' || : ''', returnStdout: true).trim() env.LS_RELEASE_NOTES = sh( script: '''cat readme-vars.yml | awk -F \\" '/date: "[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]:/ {print $4;exit;}' | sed -E ':a;N;$!ba;s/\\r{0,1}\\n/\\\\n/g' ''', returnStdout: true).trim() env.GITHUB_DATE = sh( script: '''date '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%:z' ''', returnStdout: true).trim() env.COMMIT_SHA = sh( script: '''git rev-parse HEAD''', returnStdout: true).trim() env.GH_DEFAULT_BRANCH = sh( script: '''git remote show origin | grep "HEAD branch:" | sed 's|.*HEAD branch: ||' ''', returnStdout: true).trim() env.CODE_URL = 'https://github.com/' + env.LS_USER + '/' + env.LS_REPO + '/commit/' + env.GIT_COMMIT env.DOCKERHUB_LINK = 'https://hub.docker.com/r/' + env.DOCKERHUB_IMAGE + '/tags/' env.PULL_REQUEST = env.CHANGE_ID env.TEMPLATED_FILES = 'Jenkinsfile README.md LICENSE .editorconfig ./.github/CONTRIBUTING.md ./.github/FUNDING.yml ./.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml ./.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/issue.bug.yml ./.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/issue.feature.yml ./.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md ./.github/workflows/external_trigger_scheduler.yml ./.github/workflows/greetings.yml ./.github/workflows/package_trigger_scheduler.yml ./.github/workflows/call_issue_pr_tracker.yml ./.github/workflows/call_issues_cron.yml ./.github/workflows/permissions.yml ./.github/workflows/external_trigger.yml ./.github/workflows/package_trigger.yml' } sh '''#! /bin/bash echo "The default github branch detected as ${GH_DEFAULT_BRANCH}" ''' script{ env.LS_RELEASE_NUMBER = sh( script: '''echo ${LS_RELEASE} |sed 's/^.*-ls//g' ''', returnStdout: true).trim() } script{ env.LS_TAG_NUMBER = sh( script: '''#! /bin/bash tagsha=$(git rev-list -n 1 ${LS_RELEASE} 2>/dev/null) if [ "${tagsha}" == "${COMMIT_SHA}" ]; then echo ${LS_RELEASE_NUMBER} elif [ -z "${GIT_COMMIT}" ]; then echo ${LS_RELEASE_NUMBER} else echo $((${LS_RELEASE_NUMBER} + 1)) fi''', returnStdout: true).trim() } } } /* ####################### Package Version Tagging ####################### */ // Grab the current package versions in Git to determine package tag stage("Set Package tag"){ steps{ script{ env.PACKAGE_TAG = sh( script: '''#!/bin/bash if [ -e package_versions.txt ] ; then cat package_versions.txt | md5sum | cut -c1-8 else echo none fi''', returnStdout: true).trim() } } } /* ######################## External Release Tagging ######################## */ // If this is a custom command to determine version use that command stage("Set tag custom bash"){ steps{ script{ env.EXT_RELEASE = sh( script: ''' curl -sX GET https://api.github.com/repos/coder/code-server/releases/latest | jq -r '.tag_name' | sed 's|^v||' ''', returnStdout: true).trim() env.RELEASE_LINK = 'custom_command' } } } // Sanitize the release tag and strip illegal docker or github characters stage("Sanitize tag"){ steps{ script{ env.EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN = sh( script: '''echo ${EXT_RELEASE} | sed 's/[~,%@+;:/ ]//g' ''', returnStdout: true).trim() def semver = env.EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/ if (semver.find()) { env.SEMVER = "${semver[0][1]}.${semver[0][2]}.${semver[0][3]}" } else { semver = env.EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?(.*)/ if (semver.find()) { if (semver[0][3]) { env.SEMVER = "${semver[0][1]}.${semver[0][2]}.${semver[0][3]}" } else if (!semver[0][3] && !semver[0][4]) { env.SEMVER = "${semver[0][1]}.${semver[0][2]}.${(new Date()).format('YYYYMMdd')}" } } } if (env.SEMVER != null) { if (BRANCH_NAME != "${env.GH_DEFAULT_BRANCH}") { env.SEMVER = "${env.SEMVER}-${BRANCH_NAME}" } println("SEMVER: ${env.SEMVER}") } else { println("No SEMVER detected") } } } } // If this is a master build use live docker endpoints stage("Set ENV live build"){ when { branch "master" environment name: 'CHANGE_ID', value: '' } steps { script{ env.IMAGE = env.DOCKERHUB_IMAGE env.GITHUBIMAGE = 'ghcr.io/' + env.LS_USER + '/' + env.CONTAINER_NAME env.GITLABIMAGE = 'registry.gitlab.com/linuxserver.io/' + env.LS_REPO + '/' + env.CONTAINER_NAME env.QUAYIMAGE = 'quay.io/linuxserver.io/' + env.CONTAINER_NAME if (env.MULTIARCH == 'true') { env.CI_TAGS = 'amd64-' + env.EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN + '-ls' + env.LS_TAG_NUMBER + '|arm64v8-' + env.EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN + '-ls' + env.LS_TAG_NUMBER } else { env.CI_TAGS = env.EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN + '-ls' + env.LS_TAG_NUMBER } env.VERSION_TAG = env.EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN + '-ls' + env.LS_TAG_NUMBER env.META_TAG = env.EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN + '-ls' + env.LS_TAG_NUMBER env.EXT_RELEASE_TAG = 'version-' + env.EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN } } } // If this is a dev build use dev docker endpoints stage("Set ENV dev build"){ when { not {branch "master"} environment name: 'CHANGE_ID', value: '' } steps { script{ env.IMAGE = env.DEV_DOCKERHUB_IMAGE env.GITHUBIMAGE = 'ghcr.io/' + env.LS_USER + '/lsiodev-' + env.CONTAINER_NAME env.GITLABIMAGE = 'registry.gitlab.com/linuxserver.io/' + env.LS_REPO + '/lsiodev-' + env.CONTAINER_NAME env.QUAYIMAGE = 'quay.io/linuxserver.io/lsiodev-' + env.CONTAINER_NAME if (env.MULTIARCH == 'true') { env.CI_TAGS = 'amd64-' + env.EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN + '-pkg-' + env.PACKAGE_TAG + '-dev-' + env.COMMIT_SHA + '|arm64v8-' + env.EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN + '-pkg-' + env.PACKAGE_TAG + '-dev-' + env.COMMIT_SHA } else { env.CI_TAGS = env.EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN + '-pkg-' + env.PACKAGE_TAG + '-dev-' + env.COMMIT_SHA } env.VERSION_TAG = env.EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN + '-pkg-' + env.PACKAGE_TAG + '-dev-' + env.COMMIT_SHA env.META_TAG = env.EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN + '-pkg-' + env.PACKAGE_TAG + '-dev-' + env.COMMIT_SHA env.EXT_RELEASE_TAG = 'version-' + env.EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN env.DOCKERHUB_LINK = 'https://hub.docker.com/r/' + env.DEV_DOCKERHUB_IMAGE + '/tags/' } } } // If this is a pull request build use dev docker endpoints stage("Set ENV PR build"){ when { not {environment name: 'CHANGE_ID', value: ''} } steps { script{ env.IMAGE = env.PR_DOCKERHUB_IMAGE env.GITHUBIMAGE = 'ghcr.io/' + env.LS_USER + '/lspipepr-' + env.CONTAINER_NAME env.GITLABIMAGE = 'registry.gitlab.com/linuxserver.io/' + env.LS_REPO + '/lspipepr-' + env.CONTAINER_NAME env.QUAYIMAGE = 'quay.io/linuxserver.io/lspipepr-' + env.CONTAINER_NAME if (env.MULTIARCH == 'true') { env.CI_TAGS = 'amd64-' + env.EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN + '-pkg-' + env.PACKAGE_TAG + '-dev-' + env.COMMIT_SHA + '-pr-' + env.PULL_REQUEST + '|arm64v8-' + env.EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN + '-pkg-' + env.PACKAGE_TAG + '-dev-' + env.COMMIT_SHA + '-pr-' + env.PULL_REQUEST } else { env.CI_TAGS = env.EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN + '-pkg-' + env.PACKAGE_TAG + '-dev-' + env.COMMIT_SHA + '-pr-' + env.PULL_REQUEST } env.VERSION_TAG = env.EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN + '-pkg-' + env.PACKAGE_TAG + '-dev-' + env.COMMIT_SHA + '-pr-' + env.PULL_REQUEST env.META_TAG = env.EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN + '-pkg-' + env.PACKAGE_TAG + '-dev-' + env.COMMIT_SHA + '-pr-' + env.PULL_REQUEST env.EXT_RELEASE_TAG = 'version-' + env.EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN env.CODE_URL = 'https://github.com/' + env.LS_USER + '/' + env.LS_REPO + '/pull/' + env.PULL_REQUEST env.DOCKERHUB_LINK = 'https://hub.docker.com/r/' + env.PR_DOCKERHUB_IMAGE + '/tags/' } } } // Run ShellCheck stage('ShellCheck') { when { environment name: 'CI', value: 'true' } steps { withCredentials([ string(credentialsId: 'ci-tests-s3-key-id', variable: 'S3_KEY'), string(credentialsId: 'ci-tests-s3-secret-access-key', variable: 'S3_SECRET') ]) { script{ env.SHELLCHECK_URL = 'https://ci-tests.linuxserver.io/' + env.IMAGE + '/' + env.META_TAG + '/shellcheck-result.xml' } sh '''curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-jenkins-builder/master/checkrun.sh | /bin/bash''' sh '''#! /bin/bash docker run --rm \ -v ${WORKSPACE}:/mnt \ -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=\"${S3_KEY}\" \ -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=\"${S3_SECRET}\" \ ghcr.io/linuxserver/baseimage-alpine:3.19 s6-envdir -fn -- /var/run/s6/container_environment /bin/bash -c "\ apk add --no-cache python3 && \ python3 -m venv /lsiopy && \ pip install --no-cache-dir -U pip && \ pip install --no-cache-dir s3cmd && \ s3cmd put --no-preserve --acl-public -m text/xml /mnt/shellcheck-result.xml s3://ci-tests.linuxserver.io/${IMAGE}/${META_TAG}/shellcheck-result.xml" || :''' } } } // Use helper containers to render templated files stage('Update-Templates') { when { branch "master" environment name: 'CHANGE_ID', value: '' expression { env.CONTAINER_NAME != null } } steps { sh '''#! /bin/bash set -e TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d) docker pull ghcr.io/linuxserver/jenkins-builder:latest # Cloned repo paths for templating: # ${TEMPDIR}/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}: Cloned branch master of ${LS_USER}/${LS_REPO} for running the jenkins builder on # ${TEMPDIR}/repo/${LS_REPO}: Cloned branch master of ${LS_USER}/${LS_REPO} for commiting various templated file changes and pushing back to Github # ${TEMPDIR}/docs/docker-documentation: Cloned docs repo for pushing docs updates to Github # ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/docker-templates: Cloned docker-templates repo to check for logos # ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/templates: Cloned templates repo for commiting unraid template changes and pushing back to Github git clone --branch master --depth 1 https://github.com/${LS_USER}/${LS_REPO}.git ${TEMPDIR}/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME} docker run --rm -v ${TEMPDIR}/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}:/tmp -e LOCAL=true -e PUID=$(id -u) -e PGID=$(id -g) ghcr.io/linuxserver/jenkins-builder:latest echo "Starting Stage 1 - Jenkinsfile update" if [[ "$(md5sum Jenkinsfile | awk '{ print $1 }')" != "$(md5sum ${TEMPDIR}/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}/Jenkinsfile | awk '{ print $1 }')" ]]; then mkdir -p ${TEMPDIR}/repo git clone https://github.com/${LS_USER}/${LS_REPO}.git ${TEMPDIR}/repo/${LS_REPO} cd ${TEMPDIR}/repo/${LS_REPO} git checkout -f master cp ${TEMPDIR}/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}/Jenkinsfile ${TEMPDIR}/repo/${LS_REPO}/ git add Jenkinsfile git commit -m 'Bot Updating Templated Files' git pull https://LinuxServer-CI:${GITHUB_TOKEN}@github.com/${LS_USER}/${LS_REPO}.git master git push https://LinuxServer-CI:${GITHUB_TOKEN}@github.com/${LS_USER}/${LS_REPO}.git master echo "true" > /tmp/${COMMIT_SHA}-${BUILD_NUMBER} echo "Updating Jenkinsfile and exiting build, new one will trigger based on commit" rm -Rf ${TEMPDIR} exit 0 else echo "Jenkinsfile is up to date." fi echo "Starting Stage 2 - Delete old templates" OLD_TEMPLATES=".github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/issue.bug.md .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/issue.feature.md .github/workflows/call_invalid_helper.yml .github/workflows/stale.yml" for i in ${OLD_TEMPLATES}; do if [[ -f "${i}" ]]; then TEMPLATES_TO_DELETE="${i} ${TEMPLATES_TO_DELETE}" fi done if [[ -n "${TEMPLATES_TO_DELETE}" ]]; then mkdir -p ${TEMPDIR}/repo git clone https://github.com/${LS_USER}/${LS_REPO}.git ${TEMPDIR}/repo/${LS_REPO} cd ${TEMPDIR}/repo/${LS_REPO} git checkout -f master for i in ${TEMPLATES_TO_DELETE}; do git rm "${i}" done git commit -m 'Bot Updating Templated Files' git pull https://LinuxServer-CI:${GITHUB_TOKEN}@github.com/${LS_USER}/${LS_REPO}.git master git push https://LinuxServer-CI:${GITHUB_TOKEN}@github.com/${LS_USER}/${LS_REPO}.git master echo "true" > /tmp/${COMMIT_SHA}-${BUILD_NUMBER} echo "Deleting old/deprecated templates and exiting build, new one will trigger based on commit" rm -Rf ${TEMPDIR} exit 0 else echo "No templates to delete" fi echo "Starting Stage 3 - Update templates" CURRENTHASH=$(grep -hs ^ ${TEMPLATED_FILES} | md5sum | cut -c1-8) cd ${TEMPDIR}/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME} NEWHASH=$(grep -hs ^ ${TEMPLATED_FILES} | md5sum | cut -c1-8) if [[ "${CURRENTHASH}" != "${NEWHASH}" ]] || ! grep -q '.jenkins-external' "${WORKSPACE}/.gitignore" 2>/dev/null; then mkdir -p ${TEMPDIR}/repo git clone https://github.com/${LS_USER}/${LS_REPO}.git ${TEMPDIR}/repo/${LS_REPO} cd ${TEMPDIR}/repo/${LS_REPO} git checkout -f master cd ${TEMPDIR}/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME} mkdir -p ${TEMPDIR}/repo/${LS_REPO}/.github/workflows mkdir -p ${TEMPDIR}/repo/${LS_REPO}/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE cp --parents ${TEMPLATED_FILES} ${TEMPDIR}/repo/${LS_REPO}/ || : cp --parents readme-vars.yml ${TEMPDIR}/repo/${LS_REPO}/ || : cd ${TEMPDIR}/repo/${LS_REPO}/ if ! grep -q '.jenkins-external' .gitignore 2>/dev/null; then echo ".jenkins-external" >> .gitignore git add .gitignore fi git add readme-vars.yml ${TEMPLATED_FILES} git commit -m 'Bot Updating Templated Files' git pull https://LinuxServer-CI:${GITHUB_TOKEN}@github.com/${LS_USER}/${LS_REPO}.git master git push https://LinuxServer-CI:${GITHUB_TOKEN}@github.com/${LS_USER}/${LS_REPO}.git master echo "true" > /tmp/${COMMIT_SHA}-${BUILD_NUMBER} echo "Updating templates and exiting build, new one will trigger based on commit" rm -Rf ${TEMPDIR} exit 0 else echo "false" > /tmp/${COMMIT_SHA}-${BUILD_NUMBER} echo "No templates to update" fi echo "Starting Stage 4 - External repo updates: Docs, Unraid Template and Readme Sync to Docker Hub" mkdir -p ${TEMPDIR}/docs git clone https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-documentation.git ${TEMPDIR}/docs/docker-documentation if [[ "${BRANCH_NAME}" == "${GH_DEFAULT_BRANCH}" ]] && [[ (! -f ${TEMPDIR}/docs/docker-documentation/docs/images/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}.md) || ("$(md5sum ${TEMPDIR}/docs/docker-documentation/docs/images/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}.md | awk '{ print $1 }')" != "$(md5sum ${TEMPDIR}/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}/.jenkins-external/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}.md | awk '{ print $1 }')") ]]; then cp ${TEMPDIR}/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}/.jenkins-external/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}.md ${TEMPDIR}/docs/docker-documentation/docs/images/ cd ${TEMPDIR}/docs/docker-documentation GH_DOCS_DEFAULT_BRANCH=$(git remote show origin | grep "HEAD branch:" | sed 's|.*HEAD branch: ||') git add docs/images/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}.md echo "Updating docs repo" git commit -m 'Bot Updating Documentation' git pull https://LinuxServer-CI:${GITHUB_TOKEN}@github.com/linuxserver/docker-documentation.git ${GH_DOCS_DEFAULT_BRANCH} --rebase git push https://LinuxServer-CI:${GITHUB_TOKEN}@github.com/linuxserver/docker-documentation.git ${GH_DOCS_DEFAULT_BRANCH} || \ (MAXWAIT="10" && echo "Push to docs failed, trying again in ${MAXWAIT} seconds" && \ sleep $((RANDOM % MAXWAIT)) && \ git pull https://LinuxServer-CI:${GITHUB_TOKEN}@github.com/linuxserver/docker-documentation.git ${GH_DOCS_DEFAULT_BRANCH} --rebase && \ git push https://LinuxServer-CI:${GITHUB_TOKEN}@github.com/linuxserver/docker-documentation.git ${GH_DOCS_DEFAULT_BRANCH}) else echo "Docs update not needed, skipping" fi mkdir -p ${TEMPDIR}/unraid git clone https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-templates.git ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/docker-templates git clone https://github.com/linuxserver/templates.git ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/templates if [[ -f ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/docker-templates/linuxserver.io/img/${CONTAINER_NAME}-logo.png ]]; then sed -i "s|master/linuxserver.io/img/linuxserver-ls-logo.png|master/linuxserver.io/img/${CONTAINER_NAME}-logo.png|" ${TEMPDIR}/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}/.jenkins-external/${CONTAINER_NAME}.xml elif [[ -f ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/docker-templates/linuxserver.io/img/${CONTAINER_NAME}-icon.png ]]; then sed -i "s|master/linuxserver.io/img/linuxserver-ls-logo.png|master/linuxserver.io/img/${CONTAINER_NAME}-icon.png|" ${TEMPDIR}/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}/.jenkins-external/${CONTAINER_NAME}.xml fi if [[ "${BRANCH_NAME}" == "${GH_DEFAULT_BRANCH}" ]] && [[ (! -f ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/templates/unraid/${CONTAINER_NAME}.xml) || ("$(md5sum ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/templates/unraid/${CONTAINER_NAME}.xml | awk '{ print $1 }')" != "$(md5sum ${TEMPDIR}/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}/.jenkins-external/${CONTAINER_NAME}.xml | awk '{ print $1 }')") ]]; then echo "Updating Unraid template" cd ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/templates/ GH_TEMPLATES_DEFAULT_BRANCH=$(git remote show origin | grep "HEAD branch:" | sed 's|.*HEAD branch: ||') if grep -wq "${CONTAINER_NAME}" ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/templates/unraid/ignore.list && [[ -f ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/templates/unraid/deprecated/${CONTAINER_NAME}.xml ]]; then echo "Image is on the ignore list, and already in the deprecation folder." elif grep -wq "${CONTAINER_NAME}" ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/templates/unraid/ignore.list; then echo "Image is on the ignore list, marking Unraid template as deprecated" cp ${TEMPDIR}/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}/.jenkins-external/${CONTAINER_NAME}.xml ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/templates/unraid/ git add -u unraid/${CONTAINER_NAME}.xml git mv unraid/${CONTAINER_NAME}.xml unraid/deprecated/${CONTAINER_NAME}.xml || : git commit -m 'Bot Moving Deprecated Unraid Template' || : else cp ${TEMPDIR}/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}/.jenkins-external/${CONTAINER_NAME}.xml ${TEMPDIR}/unraid/templates/unraid/ git add unraid/${CONTAINER_NAME}.xml git commit -m 'Bot Updating Unraid Template' fi git pull https://LinuxServer-CI:${GITHUB_TOKEN}@github.com/linuxserver/templates.git ${GH_TEMPLATES_DEFAULT_BRANCH} --rebase git push https://LinuxServer-CI:${GITHUB_TOKEN}@github.com/linuxserver/templates.git ${GH_TEMPLATES_DEFAULT_BRANCH} || \ (MAXWAIT="10" && echo "Push to unraid templates failed, trying again in ${MAXWAIT} seconds" && \ sleep $((RANDOM % MAXWAIT)) && \ git pull https://LinuxServer-CI:${GITHUB_TOKEN}@github.com/linuxserver/templates.git ${GH_TEMPLATES_DEFAULT_BRANCH} --rebase && \ git push https://LinuxServer-CI:${GITHUB_TOKEN}@github.com/linuxserver/templates.git ${GH_TEMPLATES_DEFAULT_BRANCH}) else echo "No updates to Unraid template needed, skipping" fi if [[ "${BRANCH_NAME}" == "${GH_DEFAULT_BRANCH}" ]]; then if [[ $(cat ${TEMPDIR}/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}/README.md | wc -m) -gt 25000 ]]; then echo "Readme is longer than 25,000 characters. Syncing the lite version to Docker Hub" DH_README_SYNC_PATH="${TEMPDIR}/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}/.jenkins-external/README.lite" else echo "Syncing readme to Docker Hub" DH_README_SYNC_PATH="${TEMPDIR}/docker-${CONTAINER_NAME}/README.md" fi if curl -s https://hub.docker.com/v2/namespaces/${DOCKERHUB_IMAGE%%/*}/repositories/${DOCKERHUB_IMAGE##*/}/tags | jq -r '.message' | grep -q 404; then echo "Docker Hub endpoint doesn't exist. Creating endpoint first." DH_TOKEN=$(curl -d '{"username":"linuxserverci", "password":"'${DOCKERHUB_TOKEN}'"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST https://hub.docker.com/v2/users/login | jq -r '.token') curl -s \ -H "Authorization: JWT ${DH_TOKEN}" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -X POST \ -d '{"name":"'${DOCKERHUB_IMAGE##*/}'", "namespace":"'${DOCKERHUB_IMAGE%%/*}'"}' \ https://hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/ || : fi DH_TOKEN=$(curl -d '{"username":"linuxserverci", "password":"'${DOCKERHUB_TOKEN}'"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST https://hub.docker.com/v2/users/login | jq -r '.token') curl -s \ -H "Authorization: JWT ${DH_TOKEN}" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -X PATCH \ -d "{\\"full_description\\":$(jq -Rsa . ${DH_README_SYNC_PATH})}" \ https://hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/${DOCKERHUB_IMAGE} || : else echo "Not the default Github branch. Skipping readme sync to Docker Hub." fi rm -Rf ${TEMPDIR}''' script{ env.FILES_UPDATED = sh( script: '''cat /tmp/${COMMIT_SHA}-${BUILD_NUMBER}''', returnStdout: true).trim() } } } // Exit the build if the Templated files were just updated stage('Template-exit') { when { branch "master" environment name: 'CHANGE_ID', value: '' environment name: 'FILES_UPDATED', value: 'true' expression { env.CONTAINER_NAME != null } } steps { script{ env.EXIT_STATUS = 'ABORTED' } } } // If this is a master build check the S6 service file perms stage("Check S6 Service file Permissions"){ when { branch "master" environment name: 'CHANGE_ID', value: '' environment name: 'EXIT_STATUS', value: '' } steps { script{ sh '''#! /bin/bash WRONG_PERM=$(find ./ -path "./.git" -prune -o \\( -name "run" -o -name "finish" -o -name "check" \\) -not -perm -u=x,g=x,o=x -print) if [[ -n "${WRONG_PERM}" ]]; then echo "The following S6 service files are missing the executable bit; canceling the faulty build: ${WRONG_PERM}" exit 1 else echo "S6 service file perms look good." fi ''' } } } /* ####################### GitLab Mirroring ####################### */ // Ping into Gitlab to mirror this repo and have a registry endpoint stage("GitLab Mirror"){ when { environment name: 'EXIT_STATUS', value: '' } steps{ sh '''curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Private-Token: ${GITLAB_TOKEN}" -X POST https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects \ -d '{"namespace_id":'${GITLAB_NAMESPACE}',\ "name":"'${LS_REPO}'", "mirror":true,\ "import_url":"https://github.com/linuxserver/'${LS_REPO}'.git",\ "issues_access_level":"disabled",\ "merge_requests_access_level":"disabled",\ "repository_access_level":"enabled",\ "visibility":"public"}' ''' sh '''curl -H "Private-Token: ${GITLAB_TOKEN}" -X PUT "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/Linuxserver.io%2F${LS_REPO}" \ -d "mirror=true&import_url=https://github.com/linuxserver/${LS_REPO}.git" ''' } } /* ############### Build Container ############### */ // Build Docker container for push to LS Repo stage('Build-Single') { when { expression { env.MULTIARCH == 'false' || params.PACKAGE_CHECK == 'true' } environment name: 'EXIT_STATUS', value: '' } steps { echo "Running on node: ${NODE_NAME}" sh "sed -r -i 's|(^FROM .*)|\\1\\n\\nENV LSIO_FIRST_PARTY=true|g' Dockerfile" sh "docker buildx build \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.created=${GITHUB_DATE}\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.authors=linuxserver.io\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.url=https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-code-server/packages\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.documentation=https://docs.linuxserver.io/images/docker-code-server\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.source=https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-code-server\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.version=${EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN}-ls${LS_TAG_NUMBER}\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.revision=${COMMIT_SHA}\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.vendor=linuxserver.io\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.licenses=GPL-3.0-only\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.ref.name=${COMMIT_SHA}\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.title=Code-server\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.description=[Code-server](https://coder.com) is VS Code running on a remote server, accessible through the browser. - Code on your Chromebook, tablet, and laptop with a consistent dev environment. - If you have a Windows or Mac workstation, more easily develop for Linux. - Take advantage of large cloud servers to speed up tests, compilations, downloads, and more. - Preserve battery life when you're on the go. - All intensive computation runs on your server. - You're no longer running excess instances of Chrome.\" \ --no-cache --pull -t ${IMAGE}:${META_TAG} --platform=linux/amd64 \ --provenance=false --sbom=false \ --build-arg ${BUILD_VERSION_ARG}=${EXT_RELEASE} --build-arg VERSION=\"${VERSION_TAG}\" --build-arg BUILD_DATE=${GITHUB_DATE} ." } } // Build MultiArch Docker containers for push to LS Repo stage('Build-Multi') { when { allOf { environment name: 'MULTIARCH', value: 'true' expression { params.PACKAGE_CHECK == 'false' } } environment name: 'EXIT_STATUS', value: '' } parallel { stage('Build X86') { steps { echo "Running on node: ${NODE_NAME}" sh "sed -r -i 's|(^FROM .*)|\\1\\n\\nENV LSIO_FIRST_PARTY=true|g' Dockerfile" sh "docker buildx build \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.created=${GITHUB_DATE}\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.authors=linuxserver.io\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.url=https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-code-server/packages\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.documentation=https://docs.linuxserver.io/images/docker-code-server\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.source=https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-code-server\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.version=${EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN}-ls${LS_TAG_NUMBER}\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.revision=${COMMIT_SHA}\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.vendor=linuxserver.io\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.licenses=GPL-3.0-only\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.ref.name=${COMMIT_SHA}\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.title=Code-server\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.description=[Code-server](https://coder.com) is VS Code running on a remote server, accessible through the browser. - Code on your Chromebook, tablet, and laptop with a consistent dev environment. - If you have a Windows or Mac workstation, more easily develop for Linux. - Take advantage of large cloud servers to speed up tests, compilations, downloads, and more. - Preserve battery life when you're on the go. - All intensive computation runs on your server. - You're no longer running excess instances of Chrome.\" \ --no-cache --pull -t ${IMAGE}:amd64-${META_TAG} --platform=linux/amd64 \ --provenance=false --sbom=false \ --build-arg ${BUILD_VERSION_ARG}=${EXT_RELEASE} --build-arg VERSION=\"${VERSION_TAG}\" --build-arg BUILD_DATE=${GITHUB_DATE} ." } } stage('Build ARM64') { agent { label 'ARM64' } steps { echo "Running on node: ${NODE_NAME}" echo 'Logging into Github' sh '''#! /bin/bash echo $GITHUB_TOKEN | docker login ghcr.io -u LinuxServer-CI --password-stdin ''' sh "sed -r -i 's|(^FROM .*)|\\1\\n\\nENV LSIO_FIRST_PARTY=true|g' Dockerfile.aarch64" sh "docker buildx build \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.created=${GITHUB_DATE}\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.authors=linuxserver.io\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.url=https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-code-server/packages\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.documentation=https://docs.linuxserver.io/images/docker-code-server\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.source=https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-code-server\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.version=${EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN}-ls${LS_TAG_NUMBER}\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.revision=${COMMIT_SHA}\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.vendor=linuxserver.io\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.licenses=GPL-3.0-only\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.ref.name=${COMMIT_SHA}\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.title=Code-server\" \ --label \"org.opencontainers.image.description=[Code-server](https://coder.com) is VS Code running on a remote server, accessible through the browser. - Code on your Chromebook, tablet, and laptop with a consistent dev environment. - If you have a Windows or Mac workstation, more easily develop for Linux. - Take advantage of large cloud servers to speed up tests, compilations, downloads, and more. - Preserve battery life when you're on the go. - All intensive computation runs on your server. - You're no longer running excess instances of Chrome.\" \ --no-cache --pull -f Dockerfile.aarch64 -t ${IMAGE}:arm64v8-${META_TAG} --platform=linux/arm64 \ --provenance=false --sbom=false \ --build-arg ${BUILD_VERSION_ARG}=${EXT_RELEASE} --build-arg VERSION=\"${VERSION_TAG}\" --build-arg BUILD_DATE=${GITHUB_DATE} ." sh "docker tag ${IMAGE}:arm64v8-${META_TAG} ghcr.io/linuxserver/lsiodev-buildcache:arm64v8-${COMMIT_SHA}-${BUILD_NUMBER}" retry(5) { sh "docker push ghcr.io/linuxserver/lsiodev-buildcache:arm64v8-${COMMIT_SHA}-${BUILD_NUMBER}" } sh '''#! /bin/bash containers=$(docker ps -aq) if [[ -n "${containers}" ]]; then docker stop ${containers} fi docker system prune -af --volumes || : ''' } } } } // Take the image we just built and dump package versions for comparison stage('Update-packages') { when { branch "master" environment name: 'CHANGE_ID', value: '' environment name: 'EXIT_STATUS', value: '' } steps { sh '''#! /bin/bash set -e TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d) if [ "${MULTIARCH}" == "true" ] && [ "${PACKAGE_CHECK}" != "true" ]; then LOCAL_CONTAINER=${IMAGE}:amd64-${META_TAG} else LOCAL_CONTAINER=${IMAGE}:${META_TAG} fi touch ${TEMPDIR}/package_versions.txt docker run --rm \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro \ -v ${TEMPDIR}:/tmp \ ghcr.io/anchore/syft:latest \ ${LOCAL_CONTAINER} -o table=/tmp/package_versions.txt NEW_PACKAGE_TAG=$(md5sum ${TEMPDIR}/package_versions.txt | cut -c1-8 ) echo "Package tag sha from current packages in buit container is ${NEW_PACKAGE_TAG} comparing to old ${PACKAGE_TAG} from github" if [ "${NEW_PACKAGE_TAG}" != "${PACKAGE_TAG}" ]; then git clone https://github.com/${LS_USER}/${LS_REPO}.git ${TEMPDIR}/${LS_REPO} git --git-dir ${TEMPDIR}/${LS_REPO}/.git checkout -f master cp ${TEMPDIR}/package_versions.txt ${TEMPDIR}/${LS_REPO}/ cd ${TEMPDIR}/${LS_REPO}/ wait git add package_versions.txt git commit -m 'Bot Updating Package Versions' git pull https://LinuxServer-CI:${GITHUB_TOKEN}@github.com/${LS_USER}/${LS_REPO}.git master git push https://LinuxServer-CI:${GITHUB_TOKEN}@github.com/${LS_USER}/${LS_REPO}.git master echo "true" > /tmp/packages-${COMMIT_SHA}-${BUILD_NUMBER} echo "Package tag updated, stopping build process" else echo "false" > /tmp/packages-${COMMIT_SHA}-${BUILD_NUMBER} echo "Package tag is same as previous continue with build process" fi rm -Rf ${TEMPDIR}''' script{ env.PACKAGE_UPDATED = sh( script: '''cat /tmp/packages-${COMMIT_SHA}-${BUILD_NUMBER}''', returnStdout: true).trim() } } } // Exit the build if the package file was just updated stage('PACKAGE-exit') { when { branch "master" environment name: 'CHANGE_ID', value: '' environment name: 'PACKAGE_UPDATED', value: 'true' environment name: 'EXIT_STATUS', value: '' } steps { script{ env.EXIT_STATUS = 'ABORTED' } } } // Exit the build if this is just a package check and there are no changes to push stage('PACKAGECHECK-exit') { when { branch "master" environment name: 'CHANGE_ID', value: '' environment name: 'PACKAGE_UPDATED', value: 'false' environment name: 'EXIT_STATUS', value: '' expression { params.PACKAGE_CHECK == 'true' } } steps { script{ env.EXIT_STATUS = 'ABORTED' } } } /* ####### Testing ####### */ // Run Container tests stage('Test') { when { environment name: 'CI', value: 'true' environment name: 'EXIT_STATUS', value: '' } steps { withCredentials([ string(credentialsId: 'ci-tests-s3-key-id', variable: 'S3_KEY'), string(credentialsId: 'ci-tests-s3-secret-access-key ', variable: 'S3_SECRET') ]) { script{ env.CI_URL = 'https://ci-tests.linuxserver.io/' + env.IMAGE + '/' + env.META_TAG + '/index.html' env.CI_JSON_URL = 'https://ci-tests.linuxserver.io/' + env.IMAGE + '/' + env.META_TAG + '/report.json' } sh '''#! /bin/bash set -e docker pull ghcr.io/linuxserver/ci:latest if [ "${MULTIARCH}" == "true" ]; then docker pull ghcr.io/linuxserver/lsiodev-buildcache:arm64v8-${COMMIT_SHA}-${BUILD_NUMBER} docker tag ghcr.io/linuxserver/lsiodev-buildcache:arm64v8-${COMMIT_SHA}-${BUILD_NUMBER} ${IMAGE}:arm64v8-${META_TAG} fi docker run --rm \ --shm-size=1gb \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ -e IMAGE=\"${IMAGE}\" \ -e DOCKER_LOGS_TIMEOUT=\"${CI_DELAY}\" \ -e TAGS=\"${CI_TAGS}\" \ -e META_TAG=\"${META_TAG}\" \ -e PORT=\"${CI_PORT}\" \ -e SSL=\"${CI_SSL}\" \ -e BASE=\"${DIST_IMAGE}\" \ -e SECRET_KEY=\"${S3_SECRET}\" \ -e ACCESS_KEY=\"${S3_KEY}\" \ -e DOCKER_ENV=\"${CI_DOCKERENV}\" \ -e WEB_SCREENSHOT=\"${CI_WEB}\" \ -e WEB_AUTH=\"${CI_AUTH}\" \ -e WEB_PATH=\"${CI_WEBPATH}\" \ -t ghcr.io/linuxserver/ci:latest \ python3 test_build.py''' } } } /* ################## Release Logic ################## */ // If this is an amd64 only image only push a single image stage('Docker-Push-Single') { when { environment name: 'MULTIARCH', value: 'false' environment name: 'EXIT_STATUS', value: '' } steps { withCredentials([ [ $class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: 'Quay.io-Robot', usernameVariable: 'QUAYUSER', passwordVariable: 'QUAYPASS' ] ]) { retry(5) { sh '''#! /bin/bash set -e echo $DOCKERHUB_TOKEN | docker login -u linuxserverci --password-stdin echo $GITHUB_TOKEN | docker login ghcr.io -u LinuxServer-CI --password-stdin echo $GITLAB_TOKEN | docker login registry.gitlab.com -u LinuxServer.io --password-stdin echo $QUAYPASS | docker login quay.io -u $QUAYUSER --password-stdin for PUSHIMAGE in "${GITHUBIMAGE}" "${GITLABIMAGE}" "${QUAYIMAGE}" "${IMAGE}"; do docker tag ${IMAGE}:${META_TAG} ${PUSHIMAGE}:${META_TAG} docker tag ${PUSHIMAGE}:${META_TAG} ${PUSHIMAGE}:latest docker tag ${PUSHIMAGE}:${META_TAG} ${PUSHIMAGE}:${EXT_RELEASE_TAG} if [ -n "${SEMVER}" ]; then docker tag ${PUSHIMAGE}:${META_TAG} ${PUSHIMAGE}:${SEMVER} fi docker push ${PUSHIMAGE}:latest docker push ${PUSHIMAGE}:${META_TAG} docker push ${PUSHIMAGE}:${EXT_RELEASE_TAG} if [ -n "${SEMVER}" ]; then docker push ${PUSHIMAGE}:${SEMVER} fi done ''' } } } } // If this is a multi arch release push all images and define the manifest stage('Docker-Push-Multi') { when { environment name: 'MULTIARCH', value: 'true' environment name: 'EXIT_STATUS', value: '' } steps { withCredentials([ [ $class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: 'Quay.io-Robot', usernameVariable: 'QUAYUSER', passwordVariable: 'QUAYPASS' ] ]) { retry(5) { sh '''#! /bin/bash set -e echo $DOCKERHUB_TOKEN | docker login -u linuxserverci --password-stdin echo $GITHUB_TOKEN | docker login ghcr.io -u LinuxServer-CI --password-stdin echo $GITLAB_TOKEN | docker login registry.gitlab.com -u LinuxServer.io --password-stdin echo $QUAYPASS | docker login quay.io -u $QUAYUSER --password-stdin if [ "${CI}" == "false" ]; then docker pull ghcr.io/linuxserver/lsiodev-buildcache:arm64v8-${COMMIT_SHA}-${BUILD_NUMBER} docker tag ghcr.io/linuxserver/lsiodev-buildcache:arm64v8-${COMMIT_SHA}-${BUILD_NUMBER} ${IMAGE}:arm64v8-${META_TAG} fi for MANIFESTIMAGE in "${IMAGE}" "${GITLABIMAGE}" "${GITHUBIMAGE}" "${QUAYIMAGE}"; do docker tag ${IMAGE}:amd64-${META_TAG} ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:amd64-${META_TAG} docker tag ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:amd64-${META_TAG} ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:amd64-latest docker tag ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:amd64-${META_TAG} ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:amd64-${EXT_RELEASE_TAG} docker tag ${IMAGE}:arm64v8-${META_TAG} ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-${META_TAG} docker tag ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-${META_TAG} ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-latest docker tag ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-${META_TAG} ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-${EXT_RELEASE_TAG} if [ -n "${SEMVER}" ]; then docker tag ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:amd64-${META_TAG} ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:amd64-${SEMVER} docker tag ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-${META_TAG} ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-${SEMVER} fi docker push ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:amd64-${META_TAG} docker push ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:amd64-${EXT_RELEASE_TAG} docker push ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:amd64-latest docker push ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-${META_TAG} docker push ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-latest docker push ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-${EXT_RELEASE_TAG} if [ -n "${SEMVER}" ]; then docker push ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:amd64-${SEMVER} docker push ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-${SEMVER} fi done for MANIFESTIMAGE in "${IMAGE}" "${GITLABIMAGE}" "${GITHUBIMAGE}" "${QUAYIMAGE}"; do docker buildx imagetools create -t ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:latest ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:amd64-latest ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-latest docker buildx imagetools create -t ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:${META_TAG} ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:amd64-${META_TAG} ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-${META_TAG} docker buildx imagetools create -t ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:${EXT_RELEASE_TAG} ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:amd64-${EXT_RELEASE_TAG} ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-${EXT_RELEASE_TAG} if [ -n "${SEMVER}" ]; then docker buildx imagetools create -t ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:${SEMVER} ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:amd64-${SEMVER} ${MANIFESTIMAGE}:arm64v8-${SEMVER} fi done ''' } } } } // If this is a public release tag it in the LS Github stage('Github-Tag-Push-Release') { when { branch "master" expression { env.LS_RELEASE != env.EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN + '-ls' + env.LS_TAG_NUMBER } environment name: 'CHANGE_ID', value: '' environment name: 'EXIT_STATUS', value: '' } steps { echo "Pushing New tag for current commit ${META_TAG}" sh '''curl -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" -X POST https://api.github.com/repos/${LS_USER}/${LS_REPO}/git/tags \ -d '{"tag":"'${META_TAG}'",\ "object": "'${COMMIT_SHA}'",\ "message": "Tagging Release '${EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN}'-ls'${LS_TAG_NUMBER}' to master",\ "type": "commit",\ "tagger": {"name": "LinuxServer Jenkins","email": "jenkins@linuxserver.io","date": "'${GITHUB_DATE}'"}}' ''' echo "Pushing New release for Tag" sh '''#! /bin/bash echo "Updating to ${EXT_RELEASE_CLEAN}" > releasebody.json echo '{"tag_name":"'${META_TAG}'",\ "target_commitish": "master",\ "name": "'${META_TAG}'",\ "body": "**LinuxServer Changes:**\\n\\n'${LS_RELEASE_NOTES}'\\n\\n**Remote Changes:**\\n\\n' > start printf '","draft": false,"prerelease": false}' >> releasebody.json paste -d'\\0' start releasebody.json > releasebody.json.done curl -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" -X POST https://api.github.com/repos/${LS_USER}/${LS_REPO}/releases -d @releasebody.json.done''' } } // Add protection to the release branch stage('Github-Release-Branch-Protection') { when { branch "master" environment name: 'CHANGE_ID', value: '' environment name: 'EXIT_STATUS', value: '' } steps { echo "Setting up protection for release branch master" sh '''#! /bin/bash curl -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" -X PUT https://api.github.com/repos/${LS_USER}/${LS_REPO}/branches/master/protection \ -d $(jq -c . << EOF { "required_status_checks": null, "enforce_admins": false, "required_pull_request_reviews": { "dismiss_stale_reviews": false, "require_code_owner_reviews": false, "require_last_push_approval": false, "required_approving_review_count": 1 }, "restrictions": null, "required_linear_history": false, "allow_force_pushes": false, "allow_deletions": false, "block_creations": false, "required_conversation_resolution": true, "lock_branch": false, "allow_fork_syncing": false, "required_signatures": false } EOF ) ''' } } // If this is a Pull request send the CI link as a comment on it stage('Pull Request Comment') { when { not {environment name: 'CHANGE_ID', value: ''} environment name: 'EXIT_STATUS', value: '' } steps { sh '''#! /bin/bash # Function to retrieve JSON data from URL get_json() { local url="$1" local response=$(curl -s "$url") if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to retrieve JSON data from $url" return 1 fi local json=$(echo "$response" | jq .) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to parse JSON data from $url" return 1 fi echo "$json" } build_table() { local data="$1" # Get the keys in the JSON data local keys=$(echo "$data" | jq -r 'to_entries | map(.key) | .[]') # Check if keys are empty if [ -z "$keys" ]; then echo "JSON report data does not contain any keys or the report does not exist." return 1 fi # Build table header local header="| Tag | Passed |\\n| --- | --- |\\n" # Loop through the JSON data to build the table rows local rows="" for build in $keys; do local status=$(echo "$data" | jq -r ".[\\"$build\\"].test_success") if [ "$status" = "true" ]; then status="✅" else status="❌" fi local row="| "$build" | "$status" |\\n" rows="${rows}${row}" done local table="${header}${rows}" local escaped_table=$(echo "$table" | sed 's/\"/\\\\"/g') echo "$escaped_table" } if [[ "${CI}" = "true" ]]; then # Retrieve JSON data from URL data=$(get_json "$CI_JSON_URL") # Create table from JSON data table=$(build_table "$data") echo -e "$table" curl -X POST -H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_TOKEN" \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \ "https://api.github.com/repos/$LS_USER/$LS_REPO/issues/$PULL_REQUEST/comments" \ -d "{\\"body\\": \\"I am a bot, here are the test results for this PR: \\n${CI_URL}\\n${SHELLCHECK_URL}\\n${table}\\"}" else curl -X POST -H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_TOKEN" \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \ "https://api.github.com/repos/$LS_USER/$LS_REPO/issues/$PULL_REQUEST/comments" \ -d "{\\"body\\": \\"I am a bot, here is the pushed image/manifest for this PR: \\n\\n\\`${GITHUBIMAGE}:${META_TAG}\\`\\"}" fi ''' } } } /* ###################### Send status to Discord ###################### */ post { always { script{ if (env.EXIT_STATUS == "ABORTED"){ sh 'echo "build aborted"' } else if (currentBuild.currentResult == "SUCCESS"){ sh ''' curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"avatar_url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-templates/master/linuxserver.io/img/jenkins-avatar.png","embeds": [{"color": 1681177,\ "description": "**Build:** '${BUILD_NUMBER}'\\n**CI Results:** '${CI_URL}'\\n**ShellCheck Results:** '${SHELLCHECK_URL}'\\n**Status:** Success\\n**Job:** '${RUN_DISPLAY_URL}'\\n**Change:** '${CODE_URL}'\\n**External Release:**: '${RELEASE_LINK}'\\n**DockerHub:** '${DOCKERHUB_LINK}'\\n"}],\ "username": "Jenkins"}' ${BUILDS_DISCORD} ''' } else { sh ''' curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"avatar_url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-templates/master/linuxserver.io/img/jenkins-avatar.png","embeds": [{"color": 16711680,\ "description": "**Build:** '${BUILD_NUMBER}'\\n**CI Results:** '${CI_URL}'\\n**ShellCheck Results:** '${SHELLCHECK_URL}'\\n**Status:** failure\\n**Job:** '${RUN_DISPLAY_URL}'\\n**Change:** '${CODE_URL}'\\n**External Release:**: '${RELEASE_LINK}'\\n**DockerHub:** '${DOCKERHUB_LINK}'\\n"}],\ "username": "Jenkins"}' ${BUILDS_DISCORD} ''' } } } cleanup { sh '''#! /bin/bash echo "Performing docker system prune!!" containers=$(docker ps -aq) if [[ -n "${containers}" ]]; then docker stop ${containers} fi docker system prune -af --volumes || : ''' cleanWs() } } }